Friday, February 24, 2012


PARIS is coming to The PORCH & Atelier~

We're bringing the French life home for you Saturday April 21st!

Chef Adam and I will be in PARIS very soon - gathering up all the inspiration, planning his fantastique menu for the day, and finding all the prizes and vintage goods - just for you!
Enjoy a cocktail while touring my third floor apartment in this great old building~

APRIL in PARIS (2012 is our 13th celebration) was first hosted in my Elk River home - now you tour my third floor apartment. Before that first April in PARIS, on a train from PARIS to ANGERS with my sister Mary - I wanted to bring the wonderful feelings and experiences HOME to share. Eh voila~ the first APRIL in PARIS - wonderful menu, prizes, and FLEURS - all the ambience continues to this day, more popular than ever.

Prizes Prizes!

Fresh flowers~

You'll be served in our Atelier-turned-bistro~

To attend the event, you'll need to complete a card. Try right-clicking to print, then complete and mail or drop off at the shop~ You can also get your card at the shop, or have it mailed out - email us, or call 763 684-1254.

Dawn and Therese

It's a wonderful time, full of smiles for sure~
The famous Chef Adam (back), with our famous cabinet builder, 'Chef' Alan~
Can you tell we're excited? And, see you at our MARCH Market - hours/days posted on the upper right sidebar. Merci, TERESA


Barbara Bussey {The Treasured Home} said...

I love what you're doing, here and in your shop, Teresa! I am going to make it to your place one day! Oui'!

The PORCH & Atelier said...

I'd love the chance to meet at some point, Barbara! Thank you for your interest and comments, so appreciated. You'll be seeing more about our event that's coming up - we have a grand time - and our guests do, too :)
